Over more than 5 decades, Banco is into perusing excellence and delivering foremost engine cooling and sealing products as well as solutions to clients across the world. We are the trendsetters of innovative solutions with a comprehensive range of products making us the first choice globally. The company has come a long way achieving several milestones and has received several accolades.
Following are the achievements that sets Banco apart:
SQEP Certificate Silver Level2016
Apprecaition for Participation and Contribution in Tech KnowCatterpilar
Appreciation for Achieving Business ObjectiveKirloskar Oil Engines Ltd.
Appreciation for New DevelopmentPolcar
Certificate of Appreciation for a Stable Partnership2015
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Limited
Best Supplier AwardTractors and Farm Equipment Limited
Best Supplier Award for Outstanding Contribution in Co-creating ValueKirloskar Oil Engines Ltd.
Award for Response to Development2014
V.S.T. Tillers Tractors Limited
Certificate of Recognition for Achieving the Target2013
Award for Excellent ACE SupportMahindra
Annual Commodity AwardMahindra
SPD Performance AwardTractors and Farm Equipment Limited
Best Supplier Award for Overall Performance2012
Best Quality Performance Award (Farm Division)Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited
Best Supplier Award for Outstanding Contribution in New Product Development2011
Certificate of Participation
Certificate of Participation for Progress in Gujarat State Level 22nd Annual Convention on Quality Concepts2010